
A Face. A Memory. A Day

An award-winning online commemorative project that highlights the lives of fallen Israeli soldiers and victims of terror through short, animated films that breathe life to their memories and resonate with audiences worldwide


After the tragedy of October 7 and amid the difficult war that followed, the memory is still alive and too fresh to be viewed from the perspective of “A Face. A Memory. A Day” – BAC’s artistic commemorative initiative which transforms memories into animation films. Therefore, this year we will mark Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism) in a different way than usual. We will gather at Beit Avi Chai for memorial events in which we will think, write and talk about the many losses we are experiencing. The events will be updated here on the website; you are invited to join and together we will try to process the upheaval that we have been experiencing.




In preparation to Yom Hazikaron [Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism], Beit Avi Chai is working to create a diverse set of guides  for teachers and community leaders that are appropriate for interactive (and, if possible, guided) programs for youth. Each guide includes introductory and follow-up questions, points for discussion and additional ideas to generate substantive and engaging conversations among the participants.



In these challenging times, when face-to-face meetings between friends, extended families and community members are not possible, A Face. The Day. A Memory seeks to strengthen the bond between Israel and Jewish communities in North America by bringing the unique stories of those whom we have lost as the link that can help bring us closer together.
Please join us! 


Dr. David Rozenson,  CEO of Beit Avi Chai 
The project is headed by: Liran lifshits & Yotvat Fireaizen Weil

Creator and developer of the project: Yochai Shalom Hadad

Artistic accompaniment: Osi Wald


© Beit Avi Chai Jerusalem, 2020. Pilot Publication (Work in Progress). Creation and development of this publication was initiated by Beit Avi Chai to serve as supplementary educational resource for the A Day. The Face. A Memory films, solely for educational purposes. Any use, including quoting from the materials, should acknowledge Beit Avi Chai and the A Day. The Face. A Memory Project.